In recent years, the United States has produced some of the most advanced technology the world has ever seen. We …
Bismuth showed “structural memory” properties that may one greatly contribute to the electrical engineering industry, according to a study in …
Note to the global warming hoaxers: Antarctica’s ice has not only not melted and flooded coastal cities around the world, …
What is being described as a UFO “megaship” was caught on video by cameras aboard the International Space Station (ISS), …
We tend to think of UFOs and possible extraterrestrial visitations as a fairly recent phenomenon, beginning around the end of …
Bizarre flashes of cosmic light may actually be generated by advanced alien civilizations, as a way to accelerate interstellar spacecraft …
The biggest threat to humanity’s survival as a species on planet earth isn’t the green, cone-headed alien figures with oblong …
Of all the bodies in our solar system (aside from Earth), Jupiter’s moon Europa is thought to be one of …
The planet Mars was not meant to support human life. With an atmosphere that is 100 times thinner than that …
Armed with data collected by NASA’s Chandra satellite, a group of researchers at the Yale Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics …
Extrasensory perception, or ESP as it is commonly known, is defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica as “perception that occurs independently …
For generations, scientists and the public alike have been fascinated by the tantalizing possibility that there may have once been …
For about a decade, scientists have been able to detect fast radio bursts (FRBs), elusive and powerful flashes that last …
A self-styled alien hunter believes he has spotted a UFO during a live feed from the International Space Station. (Article …