Bismuth showed “structural memory” properties that may one greatly contribute to the electrical engineering industry, according to a study in …
What is being described as a UFO “megaship” was caught on video by cameras aboard the International Space Station (ISS), …
We tend to think of UFOs and possible extraterrestrial visitations as a fairly recent phenomenon, beginning around the end of …
Bizarre flashes of cosmic light may actually be generated by advanced alien civilizations, as a way to accelerate interstellar spacecraft …
The biggest threat to humanity’s survival as a species on planet earth isn’t the green, cone-headed alien figures with oblong …
Of all the bodies in our solar system (aside from Earth), Jupiter’s moon Europa is thought to be one of …
UFO sightings have reached an all-time high, according to statistician Sam Monfort. (Article by by Jessica Brown from Indy100.com) Monfort collated …
Google Earth’s technology is allowing people to uncover many mysteries surrounding Antarctica and the South Pole. The Secure Team has …
A self-styled alien hunter believes he has spotted a UFO during a live feed from the International Space Station. (Article …
The beleaguered Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recently posted over 12 million pages of previously declassified material on its “CIA Records Search Tool database.” …
A manufactured aluminium object has recently gained lots of attention after being kept secret for decades. What makes it special …
EAST ST. LOUIS, IL (KTVI) – More video of an odd light appearing over the Gateway Arch has been posted …
In case you hadn’t heard about the latest UFO cover-up theory circulating the internet, last week people began accusing NASA of …
In an image captured by NASA’s Opportunity rover, UFO enthusiasts claim to have sighted the “face of God” carved out …